
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Renegade Parade

My boyfriend and I rode our bikes home together late last night. It was around midnight when we came upon the Thirsty Scholar at a lazy pace, both in our own worlds as we finished the hill. Suddenly, I noticed some colors and flashing lights in the oncoming lane. I could make out voices whooping and a faint dance beat. As the flashes drew nearer, I saw that it was not the street party or charity walk I'd expected, but a fleet of bizarre mish-mashed bicycles.

I nearly stopped in my tracks. Here was a piece of Boston lore that had eluded me for two years. I'd listened eagerly to accounts of their nighttime rides, and once or twice I'd seen their members riding solo about town, but now they had fallen neatly into my journey home. Complete with black leather, superhero unitards, and a disco ball, the Scul gang is like a dark, dreamy circus - zany beyond comprehension, but utterly bewitching. It is well-known that they come in peace, but nobody really knows what their missions entail. Not that it matters. The important thing is that they're out there, from April Fools to Halloween, filling the city with wonder and mystery.

Ride on, Scul gang. And God speed.

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