
Friday, January 7, 2011

Pristine Privacy

A friend from school was on the opposite train platform from me today. She wore a newsboy cap down over her eyes and held her head low as she waited. I willed her to look over and greet me from across the tracks, but instead she hid under her gray bill, and I could hardly confirm that it was her. When the train came, I converged our paths by walking to the next car. I planned to tell her how I'd tried to catch her eye for ten minutes. But she looked so completely anonymous and solitary; she was content in her own thoughts. So I left her alone on the crowded train.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, now I see all the twitter and facebook buttons. I guess the alcohol made me forget that there were here. Nice post. I hate it when I am trying to make eye contact with people and you don't get it. It's like when you wave to someone and they don't wave back and then you look around to see who saw you just lose the wave game.
